Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Playing With Her Heart (Caught Up In Us #3) by Lauren Blakely - ShhMomsReading

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Playing With Her Heart (Caught Up In Us #3) by Lauren Blakely - ShhMomsReading

  • Tote bag with signed copies of Trophy Husband, Caught Up in Us and Playing with Her Heart by Lauren Blakely
  • eCopies of Trophy Husband, Caught Up in Us, Pretending He's Mine
  • Playing with Her Heart t-shirt
ENDS: September 2, 2013
ENTER HERE--> Playing With Her Heart (Caught Up In Us #3) by Lauren Blakely - ShhMomsReading
PWHH iBooks

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