Lucio Nieves is her lover of more than four years. He is the heir of G&N Company, being the Chairman’s son. An acquisition is made between the two companies, entailing that MG Grand is to make an exclusive anti-virus software for G&N. A hundred computers are tested; however, days after the deal, a report came that G&N wants to terminate the contract.
Ana accuses Sofia as being the one in charge of the fiasco, as well as the one who placed the malware into the PCs in order to ruin the reputation of the company, and she brings forth a flash drive as evidence to prove that Sofia indeed is the mastermind. Sofia defends herself, but after several arguments, Ana pushes persistently and says to Sofia that she had never really been her friend, right at that moment the bond they had built for years vanished in an instant. Board Chairman, Michael Perez, suggests that the board of directors make the decision on whether Sofia should remain in her position as MG Grand’s CEO. The majority of the committee then decided to remove Sofia from her position and reduce her to only receiving dividends as a stakeholder of the company. Ana’s conniving act becomes clear to Sofia and realize that this had been her plan all along, and so, Sofia’s journey of revenge starts here.
In 2013, Mercy at sixteen started writing her book “Poems of Love & Short Stories” which was a compilation of eleven poems and four short stories that was published last 2016. The first few lines of “A Taste of Revenge” her newly published novel, was written in her sophomore year back in High School. She currently released “Love in Between” another collection of poems and short stories.
In February 2015, she became a stock market trader and foreign exchange trader the following year. Mercy have a business plan prepared for “SLIQUE” her future company.
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