Kaitlynzq has been a regular at RNG lately.
But how much do we really know about her?
Learn about what makes her tick in this interview!
Marie Lavender: Hi, Kaitlynzq. Please have a seat.
Author Kaitlynzq: Hello, Marie.
Marie: Hey, it’s such a pleasure to have you here!
I’m going to throw in a few standard questions first.
Obviously, we know your occupation as an author, but some writers have other jobs as well. Do you have another occupation? Do you believe you’re any good at it? Do you like what you do?
I know I’m overloading you with questions, but we’re really interested in finding out more about you…
Kaitlynzq: I’m an author with a focus on adult literary fiction, poetry, and romance. To write for me is a need, almost like breathing. Writing is how I feel in rhythm with me, as me.
Marie: I know what you mean! 😉
Tell us…what is your greatest dream?
Kaitlynzq: I have many dreams; some centered on my writing, and others on love. These are delicate areas to talk about, and not always easy to discern what to share. For my writing, I have many aspirations for my current books, and for the stories that are evolving within me to write.
Marie: All right. I know dreams can change.
So, let’s try something else now, okay?
What was your dream growing up? Did you achieve that dream? If so, in what ways was it not what you expected? If you never achieved the dream, why not?
Kaitlynzq: I have always dreamed of being a writer as long as I can remember. Even as a young girl when I explored other artistic mediums, like being a fashion designer, or dance choreographer, creating time to write fictional stories was always part of how I would design my life’s plan.
Marie: Me too!
What is your deepest desire, Kaitlynzq?
Kaitlynzq: As a continuation to your previous questions, one of my deepest desires is to get to spend my life writing, and get to create the stories that are in my imagination.
Marie: That’s understandable.
Tell me something…what is your greatest fear?
Kaitlynzq: One of my greatest fears is that my doubts, and internal criticism are true.
Marie: I think we all fear that on some level…
So, I want to try something different next.
Readers, let’s shift somewhat and get the author’s perspective on one of her characters. 🙂
We’ve heard rumors about the hero of your story, Kessington. Quite an interesting character. Can you tell us a little about him?
Kaitlynzq: One of the characters within Legend of Song de Light audio book that I hold in a special way within my heart is Kessington.
He’s a tender gentleman that feels deeply, and has a natural open heart within all the degrees of emotions.
His birthday is September 18th, and his full name is part of the discovery within Legend of Song de Light.
Marie: Okay.
What are your character’s greatest strengths?
Kaitlynzq: He is a man with a wonderful curiosity, and an openness to the world.
And, his exquisite way of painting the felt experiences of living moments into a song.
Marie: Nice!
And what are his greatest weaknesses?
Kaitlynzq: I find it very hard to find any weaknesses within him.
Marie: I see.
Let’s try something fun, shall we?
What are some important elements we can find within Kessington’s world?
Kaitlynzq: He creates model vintage train sets that bring his amazing imagination to visual display that he then streams into soundscape artistry of what his heart hears in his experiences.
Part of his sound world that plays a significant link in his life is a saxophone, and the instrument’s subtleties are shared throughout Legend of Song de Light audio book.
His favorite color palette is antique silver and seafoam green, and he has a special fondness for the KEWORA Symphony.
Marie: Awesome… 🙂
How about another question?
What’s a positive quality that your character is unaware that he or she has?
Kaitlynzq: He emanates so beautifully a masculine tenderness.
Marie: Cool! Those characters are usually difficult to come across.
Will readers like or dislike this character, and why?
Kaitlynzq: I realize that each reader will have their own experience with Kessington’s story.
Recently, I’ve started creating videos that share more about the characters in Legend of Song de Light. This particular video for Kessington shares about a very special sound within a soundwave.
I’m looking forward to creating more of these videos.
Marie: Lovely!
Now that we have a real taste of Kessington, we have a few questions for you as well as the author, about the writing process of your book.
What first gave you the idea for Legend of Song de Light?
Kaitlynzq: The idea for Legend of Song de Light was a continual prompt from my heart. Something told me to begin, and the story revealed itself the more I wrote. One emotion filled layer after another. And, this story continues to reveal more for me now, each time I listen to the audio book, or read the audio play.
Marie: Great!
Interesting how the muse works, huh? 😉
Let’s try something else.
What is your writing style like? Are you a pantster or a plotter?
Kaitlynzq: I’m definitely a plotter. I have my notes, notebooks, online documents, and spreadsheets. All trying to stay up with my imagination.
Marie: I know, right?
I’m throwing this one in for our aspiring writers. Did you come across any specific challenges in writing Legend of Song de Light or publishing it? What would you do differently the next time?
Kaitlynzq: I think that there are benefits with all of the possibilities in how an author chooses to publish their work. For me, I’ve decided to self-publish all of my books, and created my book boutique to make them available for everyone online.
One challenge for me are my nerves as I proceed into something new, whether that’s within a new element of writing, or all that is involved with self-publishing. So many feelings occur, such as, scared, excited, ‘what if’ doubts, et cetera, and often, all of these feelings at one time. I’m still working on this challenge; however, somehow I know these particular choices I’ve made are right for me.
Marie: Indie publishing can be quite a challenge…
Well, it was a such a pleasure having you here on the I Love Romance Blog!
Author Kaitlynzq: Hello, Marie.
Marie: Hey, it’s such a pleasure to have you here!
I’m going to throw in a few standard questions first.
Obviously, we know your occupation as an author, but some writers have other jobs as well. Do you have another occupation? Do you believe you’re any good at it? Do you like what you do?
I know I’m overloading you with questions, but we’re really interested in finding out more about you…
Kaitlynzq: I’m an author with a focus on adult literary fiction, poetry, and romance. To write for me is a need, almost like breathing. Writing is how I feel in rhythm with me, as me.
Marie: I know what you mean! 😉
Tell us…what is your greatest dream?
Kaitlynzq: I have many dreams; some centered on my writing, and others on love. These are delicate areas to talk about, and not always easy to discern what to share. For my writing, I have many aspirations for my current books, and for the stories that are evolving within me to write.
Marie: All right. I know dreams can change.
So, let’s try something else now, okay?
What was your dream growing up? Did you achieve that dream? If so, in what ways was it not what you expected? If you never achieved the dream, why not?
Kaitlynzq: I have always dreamed of being a writer as long as I can remember. Even as a young girl when I explored other artistic mediums, like being a fashion designer, or dance choreographer, creating time to write fictional stories was always part of how I would design my life’s plan.
Marie: Me too!
What is your deepest desire, Kaitlynzq?
Kaitlynzq: As a continuation to your previous questions, one of my deepest desires is to get to spend my life writing, and get to create the stories that are in my imagination.
Marie: That’s understandable.
Tell me something…what is your greatest fear?
Kaitlynzq: One of my greatest fears is that my doubts, and internal criticism are true.
Marie: I think we all fear that on some level…
So, I want to try something different next.
Readers, let’s shift somewhat and get the author’s perspective on one of her characters. 🙂
We’ve heard rumors about the hero of your story, Kessington. Quite an interesting character. Can you tell us a little about him?
Kaitlynzq: One of the characters within Legend of Song de Light audio book that I hold in a special way within my heart is Kessington.
He’s a tender gentleman that feels deeply, and has a natural open heart within all the degrees of emotions.
His birthday is September 18th, and his full name is part of the discovery within Legend of Song de Light.
Marie: Okay.
What are your character’s greatest strengths?
Kaitlynzq: He is a man with a wonderful curiosity, and an openness to the world.
And, his exquisite way of painting the felt experiences of living moments into a song.
Marie: Nice!
And what are his greatest weaknesses?
Kaitlynzq: I find it very hard to find any weaknesses within him.
Marie: I see.
Let’s try something fun, shall we?
What are some important elements we can find within Kessington’s world?
Kaitlynzq: He creates model vintage train sets that bring his amazing imagination to visual display that he then streams into soundscape artistry of what his heart hears in his experiences.
Part of his sound world that plays a significant link in his life is a saxophone, and the instrument’s subtleties are shared throughout Legend of Song de Light audio book.
His favorite color palette is antique silver and seafoam green, and he has a special fondness for the KEWORA Symphony.
Marie: Awesome… 🙂
How about another question?
What’s a positive quality that your character is unaware that he or she has?
Kaitlynzq: He emanates so beautifully a masculine tenderness.
Marie: Cool! Those characters are usually difficult to come across.
Will readers like or dislike this character, and why?
Kaitlynzq: I realize that each reader will have their own experience with Kessington’s story.
Recently, I’ve started creating videos that share more about the characters in Legend of Song de Light. This particular video for Kessington shares about a very special sound within a soundwave.
I’m looking forward to creating more of these videos.
Marie: Lovely!
Now that we have a real taste of Kessington, we have a few questions for you as well as the author, about the writing process of your book.
What first gave you the idea for Legend of Song de Light?
Kaitlynzq: The idea for Legend of Song de Light was a continual prompt from my heart. Something told me to begin, and the story revealed itself the more I wrote. One emotion filled layer after another. And, this story continues to reveal more for me now, each time I listen to the audio book, or read the audio play.
Marie: Great!
Interesting how the muse works, huh? 😉
Let’s try something else.
What is your writing style like? Are you a pantster or a plotter?
Kaitlynzq: I’m definitely a plotter. I have my notes, notebooks, online documents, and spreadsheets. All trying to stay up with my imagination.
Marie: I know, right?
I’m throwing this one in for our aspiring writers. Did you come across any specific challenges in writing Legend of Song de Light or publishing it? What would you do differently the next time?
Kaitlynzq: I think that there are benefits with all of the possibilities in how an author chooses to publish their work. For me, I’ve decided to self-publish all of my books, and created my book boutique to make them available for everyone online.
One challenge for me are my nerves as I proceed into something new, whether that’s within a new element of writing, or all that is involved with self-publishing. So many feelings occur, such as, scared, excited, ‘what if’ doubts, et cetera, and often, all of these feelings at one time. I’m still working on this challenge; however, somehow I know these particular choices I’ve made are right for me.
Marie: Indie publishing can be quite a challenge…
Well, it was a such a pleasure having you here on the I Love Romance Blog!
of a character’s interior heart-that
beautiful, vulnerable, intimate space
feelings, desires, needs, dreams
a blend of
delicate feather ripples of heart waves
needs, feelings, dreams, desires
quiet, gentle heart strings
tender, continuous
soft, vulnerable air mist
circles, weaves to caress
a sonic sea of heart’s breath
Woven into audio books that are recorded in my voice with a medley of music as a heart’s wave into
downloadable mp3 files; audio plays adapted from the audio books, and layered into pdf files like a
heart’s song; audio poems that are multiple poems designed to connect to form a story as a heart’s breath;
and audio sets that are sets of these interconnected stories with elements from each story that interweave
in one another as heart’s wave, heart’s song, heart’s breath.
5 winners!
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