Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Crossing Quinn by Gail Koger 💕 Book Tour, Review and $10 Gift Card Giveaway 💕 (Sci-Fi Romantc Comedy)

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Crossing Quinn by Gail Koger 💕 Book Tour, Review and $10 Gift Card Giveaway 💕 (Sci-Fi Romantc Comedy)

How does he convince Xenia and the Overlord that she’s meant to be his?

Quinn Jones is a formidable Coletti warlord. His mission is to capture Xenia and bring her back to Tanith to be mated with a warrior the Overlord has chosen. Problem is, Quinn finds himself falling for the beautiful Farin. Her unusual “psychic powers, combat training and berserker abilities” make her the perfect mate for him. How does he convince Xenia and the Overlord that she’s meant to be his?

Xenia and her parents are relic hunters who just discovered the fabled home world of the Nabateans. She isn’t about to leave the greatest find of the century to hook up with some Coletti. Not happening. Ever. No matter how many threats the Overlord makes or that he’s sending his best hunter to apprehend her. Okay, she’ll admit she’s drawn to the handsome warlord and she loves the way Quinn’s heavily muscled body fills out his black battle suit, but the egotistical jerk is about to get his ass handed to him.

When the galaxy is threatened with annihilation, Xenia and Quinn join forces to stop the murderous Tai-Kok. Fate has brought them together and nothing will stand in the way of their victory or their love.

These books as so fun!

I loved the tone of this one. It was very playful and the story flowed easily.

Xenia was awesome! She was one heck of a warrior, and made no apologies for being exactly who she was.

Quinn was a perfect match for her in every way. He was perfectly happy with Xenia as she was but also very protective.

This book was more graphic with the blood and gore than I'm used to reading, but all in all, I enjoyed this one and would gladly read more in the series!

(I received a copy of this book in consideration of an honest review)

I closed the door and turned to face the warrior. The direct approach was usually the best option when dealing with Coletti warlords. I took one look at the Coletti’s arrogant expression and decided to have some fun. “What did you say your name was again? Troublesome?” I shook my head.

“No. That wasn’t it. Sorry, I’m not good at remembering the names of Zarek’s servants.”

“My name is Quinn Jones. I am Zarek’s hunter and I hold warlord status,” he responded with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

“Whatever.” I hid a smile. The egotistical ass really didn’t like my dismissive attitude. He had expected me to be in awe of his amazing good looks and the fact he held the prestigious rank of warlord.


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Howdy. My name is Gail Koger and once upon a time I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher. Too many years of wild requests, screwy questions, bizarre behavior and outrageous demands have left me with a permanent twitch and an uncontrollable craving for chocolate. I took up writing science fiction romance to keep from killing people. So far, it has worked.


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