Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Overruling Judgment by Liz Ellyn 💕 New Release Blitz and eBook Giveaway 💕 (Erotic Contemporary Romance)

Friday, July 7, 2023

Overruling Judgment by Liz Ellyn 💕 New Release Blitz and eBook Giveaway 💕 (Erotic Contemporary Romance)

With careers in flux and hearts on the line, how will they all find the fortitude to come out on top?

Ian refuses to allow an explosive night of passion to derail his desire to make partner at the law firm. But, her tempting presence in the office, along with her alluring scent, mocks his resolve.

JD’s the hot art teacher with the body and stamina of a former professional hockey player. He’s a creative master, in and out of the bedroom, who captures the affection of the brilliant young attorney, but he second-guesses if he’s enough for her. 

Sasha won’t settle for less in her career or love life. It’s all or nothing. After a twist of fate and a proclamation of love, Sasha escapes choosing between Ian and JD. The alternative is far more arousing.

With careers in flux and hearts on the line, how will they all find the fortitude to come out on top?

Sasha hurried down the blustery sidewalk. As the wind pelted her face, the dampness in the air sent chills through her entire body. November in Chicago meant all hope for a warm day was gone. The wind whipped around the buildings nearly blowing people down. She kept her head down in a protective stance against the abrasive frigid air. With her eyes cast downward and all her attention on getting in the warm lobby, she walked obliviously to those around her. 

Relieved to be out of the cold and in the warm elevator, she raised her head and reached to press the button for her floor. Her hand collided with another, and a bolt of electricity travelled through her body. It wasn’t a stranger’s hand. Ian was by her side. 

She looked up and found those light brown eyes gazing back at her. Damn. The eye contact brought back all the emotion again. An ache pulled in her core. They gaped at each other for the entirety of the elevator ride before it rudely dinged upon arriving at her floor. 

“Good to see you,” A slight grin appeared on Ian’s manly jaw. 

“Have a good day.” She smiled back warmly, but would have preferred to offer him a warm kiss.

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Liz Ellyn nourishes people’s cravings for the irresistible. Like the decadent desserts she delivers, she creates alluring characters deserving of happy endings. 

With degrees in both engineering and law, she argues that the positive energy gained by indulging in one’s guilty pleasure appropriately counterbalances the serious forces of daily life.

When she isn’t writing or devouring steamy romance books, she spoils her family, including her two dogs, Boomer and Tanner.

Bon Appetite and Happy Reading!


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