A voice cried out for his warriors to be silent, and that was when I noticed the man on the horse was the same one who pleaded for his life in front of me moments ago. He rode out several paces into the battlefield.
“Intruder….” he cried out. “Won’t you give me the same courtesy I have given you? Meet me in the middle of the battlefield to discuss your surrender. A woman is not fit to fight in a war.” Phoenix said.
“I will not surrender to you… or any other human.” I spat.
I scanned the lines of his army. Only men were amongst them, not a single woman was there on the battlefield. I never understood why their kind treated women differently like they were lesser than men. A slight growl escaped my lips.
“Such a pity, wasting a great-looking specimen like yourself on something as ugly as death.” Phoenix paused. “No matter… I would have killed you myself had you surrendered. I do not pity your kind.”
“That’s funny. That’s not what Jericho would have said,” I countered.
“Soldiers! Take arms.” He cried out. He unsheathed his sword and raised it to the sky. With a kick to his horse, Phoenix headed to the end of his army's line and clashed his sword against their spears.
The Hunters dropped their shields to form a shield wall for the ones who carried spears and swords. I saw the archers lined up behind the weapon holders as they drew their bows and awaited the final command for the battle to begin.
I turned my head towards my people and nodded, then averted my gaze back towards the enemy. My soldiers began to take their armor off. This caused a stir amongst his men. I could hear laughing from the other side, with shouts of “What is she thinking?” “if she wants an easy battle, so be it.” They had no idea what was in store for them. They didn’t know it was hard to shift in armor. Clothes we could easily destroy, but metal hindered our shift.
“Start the march slowly, and once you hear my call, shift.” I prompted.
I looked down at Ahar, right into his smoky gray eyes, and nodded my approval to begin the battle. My front line bent down in a slow arch in what looked like a sprinter's starting position. There wasn’t fear on their faces; their lips curled in disgust as they snarled and snapped in their human forms, and their wolf spirits were ready to let loose.
Ahar began a battle cry that rattled the Earth. It made my heart swell with pride, knowing I had him and others like him who wouldn’t question me. In unison, my front line started to trot towards the onslaught that was about to begin. The Hunters tightened their lines, with their shields up and spears out. Archers were still at the ready.
I closed my eyes and looked to find the heated core within me. A slight burning sensation spread to my toes. I smiled; I knew what was about to happen next.
With my eyes still closed, I could feel the freezing air trying to prick at my body. Nothing could stop what would happen next as I found this burning desire within my soul to find my other half. My snow-white wolf looked at me with bliss on her face. She had waited for me to finally release her. She was ready. I caressed her muzzle, and it began. My body was set ablaze, with a fire that burned every inch of me. But this time, I let every inch slowly give in to my indomitable wolf.
I looked out with my wolf sight and saw my front line start their advance faster. With everybody’s eyes on me, I opened my mouth and howled so deafeningly that the enemy dropped most of their formation, along with their weapons, to cover their ears.
With the archers disarmed, my front line shifted, one after the other, into a multitude of colored wolves and struck the enemy line with full force.
“Intruder….” he cried out. “Won’t you give me the same courtesy I have given you? Meet me in the middle of the battlefield to discuss your surrender. A woman is not fit to fight in a war.” Phoenix said.
“I will not surrender to you… or any other human.” I spat.
I scanned the lines of his army. Only men were amongst them, not a single woman was there on the battlefield. I never understood why their kind treated women differently like they were lesser than men. A slight growl escaped my lips.
“Such a pity, wasting a great-looking specimen like yourself on something as ugly as death.” Phoenix paused. “No matter… I would have killed you myself had you surrendered. I do not pity your kind.”
“That’s funny. That’s not what Jericho would have said,” I countered.
“Soldiers! Take arms.” He cried out. He unsheathed his sword and raised it to the sky. With a kick to his horse, Phoenix headed to the end of his army's line and clashed his sword against their spears.
The Hunters dropped their shields to form a shield wall for the ones who carried spears and swords. I saw the archers lined up behind the weapon holders as they drew their bows and awaited the final command for the battle to begin.
I turned my head towards my people and nodded, then averted my gaze back towards the enemy. My soldiers began to take their armor off. This caused a stir amongst his men. I could hear laughing from the other side, with shouts of “What is she thinking?” “if she wants an easy battle, so be it.” They had no idea what was in store for them. They didn’t know it was hard to shift in armor. Clothes we could easily destroy, but metal hindered our shift.
“Start the march slowly, and once you hear my call, shift.” I prompted.
I looked down at Ahar, right into his smoky gray eyes, and nodded my approval to begin the battle. My front line bent down in a slow arch in what looked like a sprinter's starting position. There wasn’t fear on their faces; their lips curled in disgust as they snarled and snapped in their human forms, and their wolf spirits were ready to let loose.
Ahar began a battle cry that rattled the Earth. It made my heart swell with pride, knowing I had him and others like him who wouldn’t question me. In unison, my front line started to trot towards the onslaught that was about to begin. The Hunters tightened their lines, with their shields up and spears out. Archers were still at the ready.
I closed my eyes and looked to find the heated core within me. A slight burning sensation spread to my toes. I smiled; I knew what was about to happen next.
With my eyes still closed, I could feel the freezing air trying to prick at my body. Nothing could stop what would happen next as I found this burning desire within my soul to find my other half. My snow-white wolf looked at me with bliss on her face. She had waited for me to finally release her. She was ready. I caressed her muzzle, and it began. My body was set ablaze, with a fire that burned every inch of me. But this time, I let every inch slowly give in to my indomitable wolf.
I looked out with my wolf sight and saw my front line start their advance faster. With everybody’s eyes on me, I opened my mouth and howled so deafeningly that the enemy dropped most of their formation, along with their weapons, to cover their ears.
With the archers disarmed, my front line shifted, one after the other, into a multitude of colored wolves and struck the enemy line with full force.

A looming threat of Hunters awaits them, and it is up to one queen to fight and lead her people to survival.
Book One of The White Wolf Saga: The Forgotten begins the fantastical epic of love, war, betrayal, and survival.

This is the final tale upon Maya's island in the White Wolf Saga. There are trials and desparate moves needed to keep their people alive. Does Maya have what it takes to keep her reign alive?

She grew up being told to pursue a career towards cooking, but ventured towards the love of reading anywhere she was able. During the elementary years, there was a section carved out for creative writing, and it was her favorite part of the day. A blank slate was carved each day for her imagination to grow in unexpected ways. When not writing, her favorite pastime is watching her children become more independent and learning new skills.
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