Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: New Zealand: A Novel by Lance Morcan 💕 Flash FREE eBook 💕 (Historical Romance)

Sunday, January 12, 2025

New Zealand: A Novel by Lance Morcan 💕 Flash FREE eBook 💕 (Historical Romance)

New Zealand: A Novel spans almost 500 years and covers the respective discoveries of New Zealand by Pacific Islanders and Europeans. From the outset the two stories are interposed. It starts in the 1300’s with the departure of Islanders from Hawaiki in search of land far to the south.

The hardy, brown-skinned people who arrive here first call themselves Maori and they call their new home Aotearoa – land of the long, white cloud. The fascinating, eventful and sometimes violent lives of descendants of those first arrivals are traced through the centuries until the arrival of Europeans aboard Captain James Cook’s bark the Endeavour. Cook names the new land New Zealand.

Maoris call the white intruders pakeha. Their arrival heralds a clash of two vastly different ideologies as European civilization collides head on with indigenous culture.

The misunderstandings, tension and bloodshed that follow are relayed as seen through the eyes of one of the Endeavour’s youngest and most engaging crewmembers, Surgeon’s Assistant Nicholas Young, as the vessel embarks on its historic circumnavigation of the country.

Amidst the life-threatening challenges Nicholas faces at sea and on land, the young man finds true love when he meets Anika, a beautiful Maori princess who steals his heart.

💕 FREE January 12 and January 13 💕
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New Zealand novelist and screenwriter Lance Morcan is a prolific author with more than 30 published fiction and non-fiction books to his credit as well as several screenplay adaptations of his work. A former journalist and newspaper editor, he regularly writes in collaboration with his son James Morcan, and their books are published by Sterling Gate Books.

The father-and-son team's published books include the new release horror Silent Fear (A novel inspired by true crimes) and the bestselling historical adventures White Spirit and Into the Americas. They also have several series on the market including The Orphan Trilogy, an international thriller series, the globetrotting action-romance series The World Duology, and the controversial non-fiction franchise The Underground Knowledge Series. An additional non-fiction title, Debunking Holocaust Denial Theories, was written in collaboration with Holocaust survivors to document the genocide.

The Morcans' production entity Morcan Motion Pictures has a number of feature films in early development, including adaptations of Silent Fear, Into the Americas and White Spirit.

All Morcan books can be viewed at Lance’s Amazon author page:


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1 comment :

  1. Tackling the task of delivering to readers a poignant and credible romantic liaison between a 17-year-old teenage boy and a middle-aged Tahitian beauty was always going to be a challenge for this writer!

    Here's my favourite quote from 'New Zealand: A Novel'...
    “The Tahitian beauty is Tahitian Queen Obadia who believes the blue-eyed, blond-haired Nicholas has been sent to her by the island’s gods to give her the child she has never had.”

    More quotes from this historical romance can be found on the book's page on Goodreads.

    Happy reading!
    Lance Morcan (Author)


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